Information for parents

Registration, Entry and Admissions Process

Junior Department Admissions

The Junior Department’s main intake of pupils is at age 5 (or age 4 if the child is born between September and December). We take pupils in the September of the calendar year in which they turn 5. Occasional places may occur further up the school.

All initial enquiries received by the Junior Department requesting a prospectus of the school are recorded in chronological order in a Registration Book. The parents’ names, address, telephone number/s and email address/es are recorded in this book, as well as the child’s name and date of birth. A copy of the prospectus and a copy of this leaflet (Information for Parents) is sent to all parents who make an enquiry along with details of the current fees.

Parents are invited to register their children as soon as possible after their child is born.

Prospective parents, if they wish to proceed further, ask to put their name down on a waiting list for a tour of the school. Individual (as opposed to group) tours of the school are conducted for parents of children who have asked to be added to the waiting list, usually during the calendar year after the child is born.

We show approximately 80 sets of parents around the school for each entry year. Parents who have put their names down on the waiting list for a tour of the school are contacted in the order in which they have applied.

When parents have toured the school they are invited to write and confirm their interest in the school. Their details are then recorded by the Registrar on the provisional entry list for the relevant entry year and they are sent a letter advising them that their child has been registered and will be included in the assessment list, with details of when they will be contacted to arrange the assessment.

In the November of the year two years before the entry year for children born between January and August and in the May of the year before the entry year for children born between September and December, an assessment list is drawn up by the Registrar in conjunction with the Head of the Junior School. Parents on the assessment list are asked (in chronological order) if they remain interested in their child being assessed and if they are still interested, an assessment appointment is arranged. For children born between January and August, the assessments are in the January, February or March of the year before the entry year and for children born between September and December the assessments are in the September or October before the year of entry.

A total of 50 assessments are arranged (25 boys and 25 girls) for children of parents who have confirmed in writing their interest in an assessment being arranged, following their tour of the school.
From the children who are assessed, places are offered to 9 boys and 9 girls. For children born between January and August, places are offered by the end of the March prior to the year of entry and for children born between September and December, places are offered by the end of the November prior to the year of entry.

Siblings of children already at the school are guaranteed an assessment but not necessarily a place at the school.

Senior Department Admissions

Occasional places for pupils aged between 8 and 12 years occur in the Senior Department. A short waiting list is kept for each age group in case of a vacancy in the appropriate form.

An initial meeting can be arranged for parents to visit the school and have a preliminary discussion with the Head of the Senior Department. Prospective pupils are given an informal one-to-one assessment in English and Mathematics prior to entry. The primary criterion is to ascertain that the child’s move will be a happy and positive one.

It is the school’s policy to always consult the head of the school from which the child is transferring before a place is offered.

General notes regarding Admissions

There is no registration fee.

There is no deposit payable. However, once a place at the school is formally accepted, the parents enter into an agreement with the school for the child to attend and are expected to honour that commitment.

Standard Terms and Conditions

Any offer of a place at the school will be accompanied by a copy of the school’s standard terms and conditions. A copy of these terms and conditions is on the school’s website and can always be requested. If the offer of a place is accepted, the terms and conditions will form part of the contract between the parents and the school.

Please note that if you accept a place at Trevor-Roberts and then change your mind, a term’s fees will be payable. Please also note that we only accept payment of school fees from a UK bank account.

Data Protection

All information retained by the school for the purposes of registration is treated as confidential in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK GDPR. The registration details will be retained for as long as they may be relevant to the management of our admissions process or parents request that this data no longer be retained.

Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

Trevor-Roberts does not unlawfully discriminate in any way regarding entry. The School welcomes pupils with disabilities and/or special educational needs, provided we can offer them the support that they require, can cater for any additional needs and that our site can accommodate them. We aim to ensure that all our pupils, including those with disabilities and/or special educational needs, are provided with a safe and inclusive environment in which to learn.

Our policy is to apply our admission criteria to all potential pupils. We require parents or children with special educational needs or disabilities to discuss their child’s needs with the school before they come for an assessment so that we can make adequate provision for them. Parents should provide the school with full details of all relevant information, including a copy of any educational psychologist’s report or any medical report, before the assessment. This is so that the school can assess the child’s needs and consult with the parents about the adjustments which can reasonably be made so that the school can ensure that their child will be able to access the education offered and that we are able to ensure their health and safety, and the health and safety of others.

Where a prospective pupil is disabled, the school will discuss with parents (and their child’s medical advisers, if appropriate) the adjustments that can reasonably be made for the child if they become a pupil at the school, to ensure that the prospective pupil is not put at a substantial disadvantage compared to a pupil who is not disadvantaged because of a disability.

There may be exceptional circumstances in which we are not able to offer a place for reasons relating to a child’s disability. For example, if despite reasonable adjustments, we feel that a prospective pupil is not going to be able to access the education offered, or that their health and safety or those of other pupils or staff may be put at risk, we may not be able to offer a place at the school.

A copy of the school’s Learning Support Policy is available upon request.

Children with EHC (Education, Health and Care) plans

Children at Trevor-Roberts School will have a range of abilities. However, as the expectation is that they will sit competitive examinations at either 11+ or 13+, it may not be the right environment for children with EHC plans, although each case would be looked at individually on its merits.

Children for whom English is an additional language (EAL)

Should a child for whom English is an additional language be given a place, arrangements will be made in consultation with the parents to assess the child’s academic progress and understanding during the course of the school year.

A copy of the school’s EAL Support policy and guidelines is available upon request.

Equal Treatment

Trevor-Roberts’ aim is to encourage applications from candidates with as diverse a range of backgrounds as possible. This enriches our community and is vital in preparing our pupils for today’s world. Trevor-Roberts is committed to equal treatment for all, regardless of a candidate’s gender, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation or social background.


If a child is aged 4 when they join Trevor-Roberts, their education for the first year is covered by the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which imposes some additional requirements in relation to information that has to be provided to parents.

This information includes how the EYFS is being delivered at TR, how parents can access more information, the range and type of activities and experiences provided for children at TR, the daily routines here, how parents can share learning at home, how TR supports children with special educational needs and disabilities, food and drinks provided for children, details of our policies and procedures, including the procedure to be followed in the event of a parent failing to collect a child on time or in the event of a child going missing, staffing at TR, the name of your child’s key person and their role and a telephone number for parents to contact in any emergency.

All of this information is covered by the school’s EYFS Handbook, a copy of which is given to all parents of 4 year olds at the induction morning the day before the child starts at Trevor-Roberts.

The EYFS Handbook is available here.

Discipline and Exclusions

It is imperative for children to learn a sense of discipline as this underpins not only their academic advancement but also their social happiness.

A vital part of the experience of school life for children is testing the boundaries of what is and is not acceptable behaviour in the classroom, during play with other children, and during the school day generally. We recognise that children will make mistakes and school is the right place for these to happen, where useful advice about future adult conduct can be given. It is important for children to be aware of the nature of their mistakes and consideration for others is seen as the benchmark of good behaviour.

Matters of discipline will be referred to the Head by the staff and parents will be contacted if it is felt that it is necessary to do so. A copy of the school’s full Pupil Behaviour, Reward and Sanction Policy is available upon request.

It is a regulatory requirement for the school to have an Exclusions Policy and a copy of this policy is available upon request.

School staff and parents will work together to promote appropriate behaviour in a way that it is appropriate to the maturity of the child.

Other documents and policies which are available upon request

The following documents are available to parents free of charge upon request:

January 2023