Early Years Foundation Status (EYFS) Parents Handbook
Background information
A small number of children entering Trevor-Roberts School in Octavus are young enough to come under the Early Years Foundation Status (EYFS) requirements as outlined in the Childcare Act 2006 and the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (September 2021) because they are under 5 years old when they join the school.
As from September 2008, a government framework for learning, development and care was introduced for early years and this was last revised in March 2021, the new Statutory Framework coming into effect on 1st September 2021 . It is not necessary for Trevor-Roberts School to be registered as an EYFS provider because it does not provide education and care to children under the age of three. However, because your child has started school before the age of five, EYFS regulations apply to him/her until the 31st August of the year following their fifth birthday.
Although Trevor-Roberts School is EYFS exempt in terms of the specific EYFS learning and development requirements (because there is extensive overlap between the current Independent Schools regulations and the EYFS regulations), this booklet has been produced to help outline to parents additional information that is available for EYFS children.
Trevor-Roberts school objectives for EYFS children
Our whole school ethos explains the importance we place on individual development of children attending the school. The formative years of a child’s life are key to their ongoing educational, physical and social development.
Children are active learners and we provide them with a rich environment and experiences to stimulate their curiosity, imagination and creativity. We aim to provide areas and activities appropriate to the development and abilities of the children. For more details please refer to our school curriculum policy.
Octavus staff
The dedicated members of staff that you meet will support your child’s learning and prepare them for their future education at the school. Anna Tribe, Katherin Johns and their assistant Amelie Wessel are the key people in this regard, and your points of regular contact in the form. Anna Tribe is the Octavus form teacher from Monday to Thursday and Katherine Johns is the Octavus form teacher on Fridays. Amelie Wessel is the Octavus teaching assistant every day.
The Junior School Head, Amanda Trevor-Roberts, maintains an ‘open door’ policy to all parents at the school and you should feel free to voice any worries or concerns you have about your child’s development to her at any time. Anna, Katherine and Amelie will build relationships with your child during their first year here. They are in a good position to share information with you about any aspect of your child’s development.
Daily routines
The Octavus timetable sets out the children’s daily routine.
Partnership with parents
At this early stage of your child’s development it is important for a free flow of information to be established between you and the school. Anna Tribe will keep a careful record of each child’s progress and reports will be written to keep you informed.
Anna Tribe will also inform parents how they can share learning at home.
As parents you must provide the school with:
- Emergency contact numbers.
- The child’s special health requirements
- The child’s special dietary requirements or food allergies
- Information about who has legal contact and parental responsibility for the child.
- A completed medical questionnaire.
The school must be informed of any changes to this information immediately.
Food and meals
Trevor-Roberts School recognises the importance of providing children with a wholesome, balanced meal to sustain them through the day. To this end, school meals are provided by our own catering staff in the kitchens. Fresh produce is used whenever possible and a varied menu is provided for the children and staff. We like to support our immediate community by using the local family butcher for our meat and the local greengrocer.
Children can often have strong preferences for one type of food or another and may have allergies or intolerances towards certain foods. A list of such pupils is maintained in the kitchens.
The catering staff are responsible for preparing healthy nutritious and balanced meals. Fresh drinking water is available throughout the day. Water is provided on each table over luncheon.
Any particular dietary requirements must be by agreement with the Head and the parents. Alternatives for vegetarians, etc will be available on a daily basis. Meals and drinks for staff are provided free during term time working hours. The menu for the following week will be emailed each Friday.
We do not allow packed lunches to be brought in, other than in exceptional circumstances. We feel it is an important part of the children’s education to learn to eat the meal that has been provided for them, to respect the people who have prepared it and to learn how to engage with others over a dining table.
Policy on lost children
Trevor-Roberts School takes the health, care, safety and security of all the children who attend the school very seriously. We have full written policies on Welfare, Health and Safety, First Aid and Safeguarding Children. These and others listed in the ‘Information for Parents’ policy are all available to you on request. It is a statutory requirement that we also provide you with details of our policy for lost children.
Should a child become lost the following action will be taken:
- The Head/leader will be alerted and he/she will make immediate enquiries of relevant members of staff as to when and where the child was last seen. The safety and security of the other children in the group will also be maintained, by adequate supervision.
- One or more members of staff will be sent to search the area. If on a school trip, members of staff at the facility should be informed.
- If a child cannot be found within 20 minutes then the police and parents are to be informed.
- The search should then continue, keeping contact via the mobile phone if possible.
- When the situation has been resolved procedures will be reviewed in order to try and prevent a repetition.
Procedure for the end of day pupil collection
Octavus leave at 3 pm each day apart from Wednesday, when they leave at 1.30 pm.
It is very important that parents make firm and careful arrangements for their child to be collected on time. Should there be a delay, the collector must inform the school as soon as practicable. Each child under the age of 8 must have authorised collectors.
Parents are required to introduce any new collectors to the school and give names and phone numbers. If a different person calls to collect a pupil the parent’s permission must be given before the child is handed over. Staff need to be aware if some children are not allowed to come into contact with certain members of their own family (the names of family members excluded from collection must be confirmed by a solicitor in writing).
At the end of the day children are gathered in the form room and get themselves ready to leave (e.g. homework and appropriate clothing). They then line up and are allowed out singly to an authorised collector. The school has a clear obligation to stay with children who remain uncollected.
Children not collected at the set time are kept indoors, given activities to do and monitored. Parents are contacted after 5 minutes and collection is arranged. If the collection is frequently late then the parents will be reminded of their responsibilities. If a child remains uncollected for an extended period of time and parents cannot be contacted, social services will be informed.
Concerns and complaints
Parents will be aware that the staff and Heads of the school are always ready to discuss any worries or potential worries that you might have about your children. We hope that you will feel able to voice concerns to us as soon as they arise. The formal complaints procedure, which is available upon request, details the method to be employed should you feel it necessary to take this route. In addition to this, under statutory guidelines, parents of EYFS children may also refer matters directly to OFSTED or ISI.
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cap House
9-12 Long Lane
London EC1A 9HA
Tel: 020 7600 0100
Royal Exchange Buildings
St. Ann’s Square
Manchester M2 7LA
Tel: 08456 014772
If any complaint is made relating to the fulfilment of EYFS requirements, the complaint will be investigated and the outcome of the investigation will be notified to the complainant within 28 days of the complaint being received.
Emergency telephone number
The school can always be contacted in the event of an emergency on 0207 586 1444.
September 2023